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Ikkitousen Xtreme Xecutor Vol. 4 一騎当千 XTREME XECUTOR

Ikki Tousen Blu-ray

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Ikkitousen Season 4 BR
The first pressing came together with this neat box.
Designed to store volumes 4~6.

Ikki Tousen: Xtreme Xecutor BluRay goodies

The usual leaflet and a pamphlet are included...

Ikki Tousen: Xtreme Xecutor BluRay goodies well as four post cards, of Shokatsuryou Koumei (諸葛亮孔明) and Ten'i (典韋).

Ikki Tousen: Xtreme Xecutor BluRay goodies

On the left you can see the boxes placeholder, which becomes obsolete once you insert the other BD's. Included in this set are episodes 7 and 8, and also an audio CD which has 4 tracks and runs 32:17. It is called "一騎当千XXR ~XTREME XECUTOR RADIO 出張版 2~ (business trip version 2)", パーソナリティ: 浅野真澄 & 生天目仁美 (Personality: Asano Masumi & Nabatame Hitomi) ゲスト: 赤城進 (Guest: Akagi Susumu).

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